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Many migrant women care workers experience poor reproductive and sexual health, says a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO). “Women on the move: Migration, care work and health” documents show, despite making a large contribution to global public health, such workers are exposed to many health risks themselves, while enjoying few labour market and health protections. According to…
Read more New WHO report highlights plight of migrant women care workers
Whether you are part of a United Nations agency like the UN High Commission for Refugees, work with a non-governmental organization, or simply volunteer your services in a refugee setting in Greece, the challenges can be formidable. Refugees continue to pour into the country and meeting their basic needs can seem overwhelming, no matter how seasoned an individual or organization…
Read more Opinion: How NGOs Can Stop Failing Pregnant Refugee Women in Greece
In recent months, over 2,000 migrants in four European member states under particular migratory pressure have had their health data recorded as part of a groundbreaking joint initiative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) IOM and the European Commission (EC) -Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) that aims to address the health-related needs of this vulnerable…
Read more Health data beyond borders, addressing fragmentation for refugees and others